According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 2.87 million TBI related emergency room department visits across the United States. The vast majority of these visits were because of sports-related or accident-related concussions. More than 812,000 children were treated for concussions in emergency rooms that same year and every 15 seconds someone in this country sustains some type of brain injury.

Concussions are simply a milder brain injury that is caused by a bump or blow to the head. This blow often causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth in the skull, causing trauma. This trauma can lead to a wide range of symptoms including dizziness, headaches, instability, loss of consciousness, glazed look in eyes, and vomiting. The CDC estimates that 3.8 million concussions occur every year but that the vast majority of coaches, parents, and teachers do not recognize the signs and symptoms.


In order to help parents and coaches better recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion, they have released new recommendations and guidelines. These new recommendations are based on the fact that every child reacts differently when their brain is injured. In addition, children who are already under extreme stress, such as family situations or poverty, can take a longer time to fully recover from a concussion. Also, children with known issues, such as learning disabilities, autism, or mental health problems may need a longer time to recover fully after a concussion.

Based on these facts, the CDC recommends the following for children who have sustained a concussion:

  • Most children with concussions do not require MRI or CT Scans
  • Use the right tool to make a diagnosis – such as a tailored checklist or questionnaire
  • Assess risk factors for prolonged recovery
  • Give parents and caregivers education about concussions and recovery times
  • Make sure parents know when to call doctor and when concussions are worsening
  • Gradual reintroduction to normal activities
  • Rest is crucial

When returning back to school or to sports after a concussion, the CDC wants to emphasize that a gradual return is key. Start back slowly and reevaluate the child along the way. If the child does okay with a little bit of school, it may be ok to introduce a little more. Sports and contact activities should be the last thing that gets reintroduced. It will take them longer to return to contact sports, especially if they’ve already had multiple concussions.


If you or someone you love has suffered a concussion after an injury accident in Phoenix, it is important to know how severe this injury can truly be. At Miller Kory Rowe, LLP, our Phoenix personal injury lawyers know that concussions don’t always resolve on their own and some can cause chronic pain and disability. Our lawyers are ready and willing to fight for you and your family after a serious concussion. Contact us today at (602) 648-4045 for a free initial consultation and review of your case. We are here when you need us the most – and we will fight for you every step of the way.